Defense, Militarism, Foreign Policy & the "Power of the Purse"

Nine months ago, Indivisibles across the country asked voters to elect Democrats to Congress because Democrats promised to use the "power of the purse" to resist the Trump/Republican agenda.

Between now and the end of September, budget battles will be fought on Capitol Hill. If the Democrats we elected hold tough, they can block some of Trump's worst excesses, moderate significant parts of the Republican right-wing agenda, and show how they would govern for the peoples' benefit.

That’s why we’re waging a “Power of the Purse” campaign.

This week, our focus is on using the Power of the Purse to address issues of war and militarism, peace and diplomacy. The key general message we want you to communicate to all of your Members of Congress is:

  • In the relevant appropriation bills, I urge you to reduce spending for war, weapons, and weapon sales, while increasing funds aimed at fostering diplomacy and human rights. And I also urge you to redirect defense spending against the existential threat of the climate crisis.

That’s a good ask by itself, but we also have more specific asks you can make, at a rate of #OneCallPerDay:

  • In the Defense Appropriations bill I ask that you include language requiring the Pentagon to undertake and pass financial audits as a precondition for receiving funds for FY2020.

  • In the Defense Appropriations bill I support the removal of all U.S. military forces from the civil war in Yemen and repeal of the open-ended “blank check” 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF).

  • In the Defense Appropriations bill I support blocking the Trump/Republican scheme to use the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) fund to bloat the Pentagon budget.

  • In the Defense Appropriations bill I support blocking any funds that would be used to build Trump's racist border wall or enforce his bigoted ban on transgender service members.

  • In the Defense Appropriations bill I oppose funding for an unnecessary and destabilizing Space Force, unneeded B21 bombers, and boondoggle F-35 fighters that are unable to meet mission requirements.

  • In the State Appropriations bill I support an increase in funds for diplomacy, foreign aid, and USAID and reject the Trump administration’s draconian cuts. I believe, however, that more than $11 billion in foreign military aid is far too high. 

  • In the State Appropriations bill I support inclusion of reproductive rights policy provisions such as the Global HER Act to repeal the abortion gag rule and repudiate the Mexico City Policy. 

  • In the State Appropriations bill I support inclusion of policy provisions promoting gender equality, combating child marriage, and defending LGBTQ+ human rights.

  • In the State Appropriations bill I support the House version’s increase in funding for international family planning, maternal & child health, AIDS relief, Peace Corps, education, humanitarian assistance, LGBTQ+ rights and democracy programs.

  • In the State Appropriations bill I urge you to block funding for the religiously-biased Commission on Unalienable Rights which is aimed at undermining LGBTQ+ human rights.

  • In the State Appropriations bill I support inclusion of policy provisions promoting a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, and humanitarian assistance for the West Bank and the Gaza strip.

  • In the State Appropriations bill I support prohibition of funds supporting the sale of nuclear weapons or technology to Saudi Arabia and I support provisions demanding an investigation of the Khashoggi assassination.

For more “Power of the Purse” asks, see our full list. This campaign will continue through September, through the entire Congressional appropriations process.